I really wanted to write about this weeks Torah Portion and Parsha, however, I am feeling led to write about the invocation at yesterday's NASCAR race. If you haven't heard it or seen it, I will provide a website: www.youtube.com/watch?v=J74y88YuSJ8
Below are my three Comments that really matter on the subject:
1) For those who think this is "Funny" and are hating on us for thinking it's inappropriate...Not once did he pray for our service men and women, not once was he serious about his prayer. It was a mockery of our faith. If he was mocking Islam, don't think the Muslims in this country wouldn't flip out.
Personally I think God does have a sense of humor, I bet He laughs every time a Christian picks up a "self-help" book, in a Christian store no less, I am sure He laughs when I think my plans are going to work out and He changes them. But God does NOT laugh at MOCKERY of anyone's faith. I believe in Galatians 6:7 reminds us that God won't be MOCKED.
Every Christian who truly is would be offended at the way this man thinks this is funny. It's not, it's a mockery of Christian belief.
So if you think I am closed-minded, that's fine. At least I know my brain is tucked up in my head working properly, and don't have to worry about it falling out!
2) Where in that prayer did our troops get honored? Where in that prayer did our flag and those who have died for our faith and flag get honored? Where in that prayer did God get glorified? Other than his "smokin' hot wife" and the things that keep those drivers safe, he wasn't thankful, he was mocking prayer.
Don't get me wrong, yes, I am glad that NASCAR still allows prayer, it's because it's a SOUTHERN sport and evidently we still believe in God in the South. And many of you are right stating that it's relationship over religion, I feel very much the same way, however my way of approaching the Throne of God calls for reverence and humbleness...two qualities that I did NOT see in this prayer, which is why I deem inappropriate. Remember that we are all of different faiths, some Christians, some not--and we all have opinions, just like we all have arm pits and sometimes they stink, but as Christians we are called to Stand up for our faith and that is what those who found this inappropriate are doing, just as those who think it was appropriate.
If 99.9% of you actually knew me, you'd know I am the first person to crack a joke and take things very LIGHTHEARTEDLY, but that doesn't mean that I think mocking prayer (whether ripped off for a movie or not) is appropriate.
Everyone who comments on this is getting in a huff for no reason other than attacking each other--WCNC asked for our opinions and that is what this is...
3) I am tired of every comment about yesterday's NASCAR prayer that says "At least they allowed prayer..." Either you call it for what it was "A MOCKERY" or don't...stop being so LUKEWARM about this subject!
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