25 December 2010
Gone Astray?
Edmundson describes the scene in 1671 America like this "I travelled thirty miles above James Town to a place called Green Springs, where were several convinced people and a meeting had been settled there, but was lost, the people being stumbled in their minds and scattered by the eveil example of Thomas Newhouse, who have been a preacher amoung them." Just like today, there was one amoung the people who caused several to stumble. Personally I have recently removed a lot of negative things in my life and I have had to realize that not all things that are seemingly good on the outside are good inside. Now, the journal doesn't go on to say what happened to Mr. Newhouse, but Edmundson goes on to say that he resettled a meeting in the area, and like sheep that had went astray, were returned to their Shepherd.
Each day that we live in the world, we too are led astray, but as Jesus points out, a good shepherd will leave a flock of 99 to find the ONE lost sheep. I think it's wonderful to know that I am a sheep, and that when I stray, Jesus, my Good Shepherd will leave the flock to meet me where I am and bring me back into the fold.
William Edmundson (1627-1712) was a famous Quaker minister and missionary. During his time as such, he was imprisoned, taken to the stocks to be humiliated in front of people. He made at least 3 trips to the Americas, and several to England. I am proud to call him my 10 times great grandfather!
Repetition Pears? Repetition Life?
Okay, so you probably are scratching your head saying “Repetition Pears?” If you aren’t in my inner circle of friends, then you probably think that I have went nuts! However in the early 20th century there was a brand of pears, oranges, apples called “Repetition…” For proof, one only has to go to the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC. When a good friend of mine and I see this sign we both put on our best British accents and say “Repetition Pears…Repetition Pears…”
Sometimes it feels as if our life is repetitious also. I know that I often feel as if God is pressing me to do something and when I put it off, He gets more aggressive in wanting me to do it, and when I finally do, I realize “WOW! Had I done this sooner, then I may have had peace sooner or an answer to something sooner.
My example is that one day I was looking at Kippah (Jewish Skull caps) and I found one that I really liked. God pressed upon my heart to study 1 Corinthians 11 and to read about how a woman dishonors her “Head” if she isn’t covered when she teaches or prays in public. The head of a woman is her husband, being that I am a single woman, I couldn’t see how God would want me to be covered??? Well I have studied Judaism for so long, that I actually have a Kippah and a prayer shawl…I went into my room, covered myself and prayed…I can’t begin to tell you the peace that I had. All God wanted me to do is to cover my head when I prayed, submitting to HIS authority. Since I covered my head, I have been able to possibly decide what to do with a situation I am facing.
I guess my point is that when life seems to be repeating itself or a bit repetitious, we must seek out the reason why it is…
Are you AWOL?
Never have I thought of being AWOL on God before, but as I sat in that pew, I knew that the pastor had to be right. You see so many times we let things get in the way of our walk with God. We each have ministries that we perform, but after a while they start to seem cliché and we don't give it our all.
In today's military if you go AWOL, you stand court martial, dishonorable discharge, etc. But in God's Army, we aren't given a discharge, we are just counted as lapsed in our faith and ministry.
After that sermon, I came home, and I re-read the way of Salvation, with complete clairity and was able to rededicate my life to God once more.
So I want to ask you, "Are you AWOL on God? Have you moved away from God and need him back in your life? Do you feel as if all things are hopeless?" Friends, re-read the road of salvation in Romans. We are all sinners, nothing can redeem us from our sins except for Jesus Christ and finally, once you have asked Him to live within you, or you rededicate your life, don't be afraid to publically proclaim it to everyone!
20 December 2010
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
The words of Matthew 7:15-20 has been weighing on my mind a lot. Truly because I wish I had known them in an earlier time of my life.
They read: 5 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.”
So what does this verse mean? Notice that the author (Matthew) states that we are to “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.” This means that even today there are false prophets that come into our lives, they look like us, probably even act like us, but one thing they don’t have is Jesus. Remember that Jesus is known to us as the “Good Shepherd” so in that He is a shepherd, we must be his flock. In other words this verse is telling us “Watch out, fore among the sheep is one is only a made up sheep.” Another analogy is “Little Red Riding Hood’s Grandmother.” The wolf wanted something to eat, so he dressed up like grandma so that Little Red wouldn’t know who he was and he could eat her.
This happens today...we walk around, we speak the Truth, then ONE comes among us, and declares many things in the name of the Lord, but truly what this “one” is saying is only what we want to hear. They come to share, yet only feed us the same fodder that we have been chewing for years.
Verses 16-20 go on to state that “by their fruits we will know them.” This is very true. Does a grapevine yield peaches? Or a Peach tree, apples? No. If I plant a vineyard, then I expect to find grapes on the vines when they mature. If I plant a peach tree, I would expect peaches. So it is with God’s people. These verses mean that we must test every doctrine against scripture to see if it lines up with what it [Scripture] says. The good news is that if it doesn’t then we can stop listening as Christians and try to help the misguided ones. However, if we can’t help them in light of Scripture, then we must “shake the dust from our feet” and move on.
In my life, I have seen “wolves in sheep’s clothing” come before me. In time, their true colors shine forth, but often times it’s after I have become involved with the person and I don’t know what to say or do. The hurt is great when we realize that those we “love” are really not who they claim to be. Surely, though just as God can bring them into our lives, which I think He does to help strengthen us, He can heal our pains and sorrows.
As you go through this week, look into your life, where have you see “Wolves in sheep’s clothing”? Have you let go? Or are you still hanging on to some memory? Are you ready to let go?
Personally I fall into the “Still hanging on to a memory”, yet I am ready to let go also. So I share my prayer with you all tonight.
Father, I come before You unworthy to ask for your help; but Lord, I know that You love me and that You are willing to take away all the hurts in my life. So humbly I ask that You will release Your Holy Spirit into my life, that You will allow it to fill my life, and take away the hurt, anger and pain of realizing I believed a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Help me as I turn those thoughts and habits into abilities to use for Your kingdom. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen.
28 November 2010
So right now I am talking to several people trying to find out where I am supposed to be and what I am supposed to be. I have two things that I'd love to do. The first is serve my country. Ever since I was 10 I wanted to join the military...I didn't care which branch, I just knew that I wanted to join. When I was 18, my father a war vet, had "The Talk" with me that ended with "Rachel, if you want to do this...go ahead...I support you. Now let's go watch the movie 'We were Soldiers'. After seeing a soldier go down because he was shot 10+ times by a helicopter, I decided I didn't want to join the military...at least not yet!
But not only did I want to be in the military, I have always wanted to be a missionary. Yes, I have always wanted to live in a foregin land and minister to others about the grace and mercy given to me by a God who loves me even when I don't feel loveable. I didn't receive the support for this endeavor as a child and so I put it out of my mind.
At 28, this longing came back when I changed churches, now at 31, I am feeling the need to serve my country as well as do some "mission" work. And for me, at 31, what could be better than to be a military chaplain? So I am looking into this a future career. Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you, not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
What an awesome plan to know that God has for me a plan for my future, a plan that will allow me to continually grow and become the person he wants me to be!
18 August 2010
Thank You
17 August 2010
No Weapon
It's amazing how you can be in the throws of what may seem like an impossible place, yet in those moments God reaches down and gives you a word, or reveals something to you in His holy word. Many people here, that read this blog on a regular basis, don't know who I am, nor will they ever really get to know me. Recently I was taken to court under the pretense of "stalking." Praise God the charges were dismissed.
But just last week I went to church, and the daughter of my accusers was sitting there, in front of me, in my panic I started to have a shortness of breath, I couldn't think, I honestly had a panic attack in church! Then all of the sudden, out of no where, I heard "No weapon formed against you will prosper!" The words of Isaiah 54:17...comfort immediately flooded into my life.
When I came home I read Isaiah 54:16-17, it says "See, it is I who created the blacksmith, who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its work. And it is I who have created the destroyer to work havoc; (17) No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. For this is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me," declares the LORD."
It's so amazing that while I was in my panic that God had already promised to deliever me from the wicked words and weapons of my enemy.
When you are feeling like you can't make it thorugh, God will bring you a word from his torehouse and you too, can have find peace through Jesus Christ.
31 July 2010
Stumbling and Tumbling Towards God Part 1
I can't lie, For the past year, I have felt completely distant from God, and blame it on getting into some situations that have ended up really hurting me in the end. The one promise that I have leaned on during this time comes from Romans 8:37 "No, in all these things we are more than Conquerors through him who loved us."
I am finally deciding to learn more about the fact that I am stumbling and tumbling towards God, and will be sharing some thoughts on the matter. Join me?
11 April 2010
New Life
When it seems that nothing else will work, rely on God, for only He can do things for you...and change your heart aches into praises!